The Chabad community is here to share your greatest joys and to provide comfort in life’s most difficult times. Being a community means sharing life’s greatest milestones together. Our facility is available for all your life cycle events.
We can help you get you in contact with a Mohel (ritual circumciser), help the parents understand the ceremony, and co-officiate, along with the Mohel. The ceremony can be held in the home or at the synagogue.
In these powerful ceremonies, the parents confirm their family’s participation in the eternal commitment between G‑d and the Jewish people and their affirmation of Jewish life for another generation. We can work with you to think through and design your ceremony in a way that merges Jewish tradition with your family’s needs.
Memorial prayer is recited four times throughout the year. Please click here for more information.
We can arrange for a minyan (service) for those who are observing a yartzeit and want to recite kaddish. Please email Rabbi Mendy at